New Breed 4 Recap (w/ Pictures)

Welp, the FIRST Official #VeliBrand showcase is in the books! Word on the street, (because I don't like to boast myself), is that #NewBreed4 was a huge success. Per usual, there was a packed crowd from the first performer, to the very last one.
Side Note: So, if you guys remember at the last show, #NewBreed3, the cops showed up because the venue was too packed, and people were outside. Cool right? Well this time, I walked outside and the door guy says to me, "Yo man, you are going to have to do something. There are literally about 10 people in the hallway that can not get in the venue. This is a huge safety hazard." It felt so good to have to hop and stage and tell people that they had move back so more people could come into the venue! *Back to the recap*
There is ONE guarantee with my shows. I always promise that each attendee will leave with at least one new favorite talent. If the first performer was any indication of how that guarantee would look -- I was sure to make good on it! Dave Amigo lit up the crowd early with his catchy songs, especially the second one (which lyrics are too vulgar to put in this recap, *wink wink*). The second artist up, Mr. Deceiving (JK), also known as Eddie Madrid, provided another energetic but lyrical performance. He has a very good song out, called "Bounce With Me". You should all check it here. By this time in the night, the crowd was enjoying not only the performances, but also the courtesy iced teas for our sponsor, Tease Iced Tea. With the crowd satisfied both thirst-wise and for entertainment sake, it was time to bring on the crowd surfer, Harvey Cash! Quick Story: I was at a show in December, and while I will admit that I did not quite see the performance, so many people came up to me telling me about this guy. All I kept hearing was, "you gotta book him, he just crowd surfed, the crowd was turnt," etc! So what did I do? Booked him (LOL). Of course, he did not disappoint!
As the night went on, the crowd became even more interactive and just an overall pleasure; turning up with artists Journell Pierre, Mir Fontane (FYI, he has one of hottest records in NJ currently, Wanni Wag), Badland Breez, and the night's headliner, Theodore Grams.
Overall, #NewBreed4 was a very successful night, and it seemed everyone enjoyed the show! See pics below, and hope to see you all at the next company event!
Check out this dope crowd surf: veli.m4v